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Boss and leader are both the same but some things make them both different. The boss gives a salary to his employees for whom he works and apart from this he does not mean anything to his employees. But the leader works together with his or her junior and senior employees. But some leaders are not liked by the people of their own team. If you want to be a good leader, then let's see what are those things that you can follow and become a good leader.

I am sorry: The world's most challenging task is to say sorry to someone in front of everyone, A good leader is not afraid to apologize for his mistake. No human in the world is perfect. The wrong is with everyone, but a good leader is the one who apologizes to the person in front of them for being wrong. Then whether the person is senior in rank or junior, it does not matter to the leader.

I am proud of you: When someone tells us that I am proud of you, then we feel happy from heart. But when we say the same word to another person, then we are not so happy that this is the identity of a true leader. That he is happy at the heart of his employees or the staff of Kalguas or good work and also give him praise and pride.

What do you think: Every senior employee wants to suppress the thinking of junior employees and this happens everywhere. You must have always seen a person around you or in the office. He does his work alone and silently because his seniors keep suppressing his voice and thinking. But a good leader is one who asks his team members what they think about that work before starting any work. This makes the team members feel good and they recognize the importance inside them.

How can I help you: In today's time, people have become so busy that they do not want to help anyone and people who help someone because they want something in return. A good leader is the one who is a good person first and a good person is ready to help anyone, whether he knows it or not.

I trust you: Trust is the most delicate and precious thing in the world, it is broken by a small mistake, so that it cannot be bought back at any cost. A good leader trusts his employee even when all the people are against him. Because the leaders know that the person they are trusting will not break that trust.

Lead by example: Today, one of the most successful leaders in the world is the same in all of them that they give motives or salves to people, then they give it with a fair example. This is a common method of listening and reading, but it is very effective when you explain to someone by giving an example. So that person sees himself in an example that makes him easy to understand. 

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